What is a Precinct Committee Person
(Precinct Captain)?

Democratic Party Precinct Committee Persons or Precinct Captains (PCs) are the party’s grassroots. The PCs represent their neighbors to the party and the party to their neighbors. PCs are members of the Latah County Democratic Central Committee.

 Precinct Captains responsibilities include:

  • Contacting neighbors and organizing them into an effective education and activation structure.

  • Attending Central Committee meetings and representing the concerns of the neighborhood.

As a PC, you have a voice and vote in the party when we make decisions that affect your community.

​PCs are organized by precinct in Latah.

What are the prerequisites for becoming a PC?

You must meet the following two criteria…

  • Your primary residence must be within your precinct in Latah County. 

  • You must be registered as a Democrat in Latah County. 

 How do you become a PC? There are two ways to become a PC:

  • You can be appointed.

    • ​Talk to the county chair, who will see if there is an available spot from your precinct.

    • The Chair will then ask the sitting Central Committee to approve you by majority vote at a Latah County Democrats’ Central Committee meeting.

  • You can be elected. 

    • ​PCs are elected during the May Primary Election that is held during even-numbered years.